Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's a Blog Party!

When I was wandering around on some blogs the other day, I discovered a "natural parenting" blog party!  Now, I don't really know what a blog party is, but i thought it sounded like fun so I decided to join in.  This isn't technically a parenting blog.  It started as a "living in China" blog and drifted into a "baby-baby-baby-China-baby" blog.  And I'm only a partly natural parent (I use disposable diapers, after all!)

Apparently a blog party is a chance to explore the blogs of other people who are a little bit like you, and I have been enjoying doing just that.  Confession: I love reading blogs.  Since I don't have enough actual friends who keep blogs, I also read blogs of people I vaguely know, and more recently, of complete strangers.  I feel my blog fascination can be partly excused since there are very few instances in my real life when I am around people who are very much like me.  Of course it is no good to expect everyone to be just like me, particularly living in a foreign country, but sometimes (and I am finding, particularly in parenting), it can be rather reassuring.  It has been fun exploring some blogs of other 'weird' people who make my parenting choices seem pretty normal.

Part of this blog party includes sharing answers to a few "get to know you" parenting questions.  By the way, I think it would be fun to hear your own answers as well, parenting styles and blogging status not-withstanding.
1. How many children do you have and how old are they?
One daughter, 7 months old

2. Do you have a partner or are you a single parent?
Kevin and I have been married for 3.5 years, and I'm so glad he is into attachment parenting too.

3. What are your "hot button" parenting issues?
- Convenience parenting: Decisions and parenting methods motivated more by the desire to make your baby fit into your life with less hassle than by what is actually best for your baby.
- The push to make your baby independent as fast as possible (Americans get so carried away with this!  I don't even think independence is the ultimate goal anyway - we're created to need other people and for others to need us...interdependence.)
-"Experts" who make you feel guilty for doing what you feel is best for your baby instead of following their method.

4. Have you made any parenting choices that you didn’t think you would make before you were a parent, i.e. cloth diapering a child when you had previously thought it was disgusting?
Oh, lots!  I didn't expect to have my baby sleep with me at all, and certainly didn't think she'd still be co-sleeping part time at 7 months old.  I thought I would be much more scheduled.  I didn't think I would be opposed to "cry it out," especially after so many months of terrible sleep.  I plan to breastfeed for longer than I originally thought.  I definitely didn't think I'd ever be holding my baby over a potty and whistling for her like those crazy Chinese people. :)

5. Is there a book or person in particular that has heavily influenced your parenting choices?

Dr. Sears - The Baby Book and website.  I didn't know anything about it until after having a baby, but now I love Dr. Sears.  I appreciate the practical, balanced, reassuring info about attachment parenting.  It really emphasizes getting to know your baby and figuring out what works best for you, rather than following any set method or expert.  It's all about promoting attachment and creating a loving, secure environment instead of 'training' your baby and stressing independence.

6. If you had to describe each of your children using only one word, what word would you use?

7.Is there one parenting decision that you regret more than others and wish you could change?
Well, I haven't been a parent for very long so hopefully I haven't screwed up TOO badly yet. :)  I wish I would have thought more about parenting styles/decisions before giving birth.

8. Is there an area of your parenting you wish you were better at?
Balance - Being able to be a good mom to Juliana while not neglecting other areas of life

9. is there one particular food or type of food that you could eat every day?

Chocolate.  Or cereal.  But not chocolate cereal.

10. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate?
Chocolate chip cookie dough.  Or mint chocolate chip.  Or cookies and cream.  Dang,  I want some ice-cream!

11. What's your guilty pleasure?

Reading other people's blogs

12. If you could be part of any television show, which show would it be?
The Gilmore Girls.  I think it would really promote my sarcastic education.  And then I could indulge in all those yummy, horribly unhealthy foods they're always eating.  I would totally bomb out on the pop-culture references, though.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Star goes to Hospital

America: Make an appointment and go to pediatrician's office. Doctor examines baby and gives appropriate immunizations. Go home.

American in China: Slightly more complicated...

The first time Juliana needed a check-up in the fall, we discovered we couldn't get all the immunizations she needed where we are. So we made a 12 hour trip to Beijing to an international clinic where we shelled out a bundle of money for the appropriate imported vaccines. At Juliana's second check-up in Thailand, not only was she able to get all the vaccines she needed, they sent us back with the vials we would need for her 6 month immunizations, packed up in an ice-chest for travel. We had the vaccines; now all we needed was the doctor. Simple, right?


Actually, it wasn't too bad, but it was quite a bit more interesting than your average pediatrician's visit in America.

Our student Alice lives in Weinan and is always eager to help us out with things, so she took us to the local women and children's hospital, a convenient 15 minute walk away. As soon as we walked into the hospital, the lobby was abuzz with excitement. Foreign baby alert!

The hospital was impressively clean, though the unfinished cement hallways were dim. We walked up to the fourth floor, passing the “baby swimming/bathing” section.  You may recall a few months ago when we took Juliana swimming, but at a private facility instead of the hospital. The hallway was crowded with dozens of people holding tiny babies and toddlers. At least, I think there were small babies inside the giant quilt bundles. Alice said most of them are probably waiting for their babies to have a bath.

We peered into a quiet exam room where a doctor was sitting with a mother and baby in a strangely private calm. Until we walked in. Suddenly the room was filled the excited chatter of the dozen people who had joined our entourage. Nurses flocked from other rooms to squeal over the foreign baby. A crowd formed. Several women grabbed Juliana's hands while another touched her face. Several shoved their disinterested babies in her direction. They jabbered about her oh so white skin and her smile and how old she must be and how little clothes she was wearing. Juliana beamed and laughed; she loves to be in the spotlight and had just made a dozen new friends.

One difference between Chinese and American babies is that Chinese babies wear a lot more clothing, [understatement of the year]. Take this day, for instance. It was 80* outside. Juliana was wearing a fleece pajama-type outfit. Fleece in 80* weather? Sounds crazy, right? Except that Juliana's Chinese counterparts were wearing anywhere between 2-5 inches more clothing than her. The older babies were dressed in giant padded outfits (thick enough they could probably be dropped from the second floor without injury). The younger babies were completely hidden under giant blankets. Thick, adult size blankets, wrapped all the way around their heads with only a tiny bit of face peeking out. Several babies were red and sweating profusely, but the others seemed to have already adjusted, which is good, considering the lifetime of layers ahead of them. I look at them and think, never in her life has Juliana come close to wearing enough clothes.

Alice and I leave Kevin holding baby, surrounded by the crowd in the exam room to go back downstairs to pay. At Chinese hospitals you always pay upfront. Today the fee is a little steep – 30Y, or about $4.50. Back upstairs to the exam room, where the nurses have commandeered the baby and are taking pictures on their cell phones.

The doctor completes the standard exam, checking her height and weight and saying she is too small, which compared to Chinese babies she probably is. How do such chubby babies turn into such tiny grown-ups? They check her various abilities and flex her limbs like they are doing Thai massage.

We were a little concerned about her scar from the TB vaccine two months ago, which has begun to look irritated. They say it is inflamed and Alice says we will go to have another doctor look at it. I think I hear her say something about going “to surgery,” and images of Kevin's horrible experience getting his back sliced open immediately pop to mind. If they try to bring a scalpel near my baby, I'm making a run for it. Fortunately, when we walk downstairs, the doctor just swipes it with what we presume to be iodine and says it's okay.

Now it is time for immunizations, but we have a problem; since they don't know what the medicine is (the info is all in English and Thai), nobody wants to administer the shots. I am impressed and annoyed at the same time. Never in a million years would an American doctor shoot you up some unknown medication you carried in off the street. It would be a giant lawsuit waiting to happen. I didn't think it would be quite such a big deal here, though. Half a dozen doctors discuss it together, examining the medicine boxes, while Alice tries to persuade them to take the chance. Finally one of the nurses agrees to do it if we sign a paper saying the hospital is not responsible. She writes something up on a scrap piece of paper, and Alice translates so I can write up an English version, three sentences taking responsibility for these unknown drugs that are about to be given to my baby. I sign both papers and we prepare for the injections.

The second problem is that the doctors aren't sure how to give the shots. We pull out giant page of warnings and finally at the bottom find instructions. That's right, instructions. We argue for a few minutes over where to inject the medicine (the instructions say the thigh, where they were giving in Thailand, but the doctors say they never give shots in the thigh). We pull out the vials and needles and examine them together. Alice translates the instructions to the nurse, who knows what she is doing after all. Once she saw the vials she must have realized it wasn't so different from Chinese vaccines.

The nurse hesitates to give the first shot because she hates to make the happy baby cry. As the first shot is injected, Juliana predictably starts to wail. Everyone in the room (six or eight doctors and nurses) gather around, clucking and chirping and waving arms and keys and whatever else they can think of to make her smile again. Any other baby probably would have been completely overwhelmed, but for Juliana it does the trick; she is smiling again just in time for her second injection.

Except that the doctors and nurses can't figure out how to attach the needle for the second shot. Apparently it is a different type than they use in China. They ask us (as if we would know) and we make some conjectures, they fiddle around and discuss a bit more, and finally they figure it out. Not exactly a confidence booster, but I guess it will all work out. Injection two completed, baby wails for another thirty seconds until distracted by a toy. The immunizations are complete, and we stop back by the cashier desk to pay our 6Y (90 cent) injection fee before heading home.

Never a dull moment for the foreign baby.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Little Sleep

by Ruth
I know you have been eagerly waiting for an update of Operation Juliana Sleep.  Okay, or you couldn't care less.  But I'm going to tell you anyway!

We are now 50 days into "No Cry Sleep Solution" methods of trying to get Juliana to sleep better.  The first 44 days were incredibly depressing.  I can't say there was no progress, but it sure seemed that way.  Juliana's naps got better, and she started going to sleep more easily, but she was still waking up 5+ times a night and never sleeping longer than 2 hours.  44 days might not seem like a long time in the grand scheme of things, but it's a long time.  A very long time.  Especially when you have already been sleep deprived for 6+ months. Usually several times a week I ended up crying in the middle of the night because I was so tired and frustrated.

BUT in the past few days we have actually, finally started to see some sleep improvement!  Not just for one night, but for several nights in a row.  The other night, Juliana slept for 4.5 hours in one stretch!  4.5 hours!  She has only slept longer than that two or three times in her entire life.  For several nights now she has only woken up three times during the night!  That might not seem great, but three is sooo much more manageable than five or ten times.  It's not yet "sleeping through the night" (defined as 5+ hours), but it is more than I dared hope for.  I have actually started to believe this may work!

Not only that, but Juliana has been taking many 2 hour naps (up from 30-45 minutes), and the other day she napped for 1.5 hours in her crib!  This is unprecedented.

Juliana is still convinced that she doesn't need more than eight hours of sleep at night, and consequently has started waking up at 6 or 6:30am to make up for that extra sleep time during the night.  I'm not thrilled about that.  And sometimes it still takes 40 minutes to get her to fall asleep for a nap, and sometimes she tries to wake up every 5 minutes of her nap.  But slowly, things are improving.  And without ever leaving her to cry.

I think this nighttime sleep thing is a huge breakthrough.  I am tentatively thrilled.  Tentatively, because I'm not yet at all convinced she won't flip back to her old ways any night now.  But I have hope for the future, for the first time in ages.

Additionally, the past few nights I have been pumping some milk so Kevin can take over the first night feeding, meaning that I have been getting 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep!  Well, I still wake up at least every couple of hours because my body has forgotten how to sleep anymore, but I don't have to get out of bed or stay awake.  It's amazing to go to bed at 9pm and know that I won't have to get up until 3am.  This new influx of sleep is both wonderful and a bit dangerous at the same time.

Dangerous, because all of a sudden my body seems to remember this kind of sleep is possible and is yelling, "Give me more!!"  I have actually felt more tired/sleepy/foggy than normal in the past few days.  I also feel just enough more with it for my mind to start going crazy as it realizes I have accomplished nothing in the past 6+ months.  Last night I lay awake past the ungodly hour of 9:30pm, my thoughts going crazy, enthusiastically jumping every 5 seconds to completely unrelated topics.  It reminded me of that time in Gilmore Girls where Loralei traces her chaotic thought patterns...
"My brain is a wild jungle full of scary gibberish. I'm writing a letter, I can't write a letter, why can't I write a letter? I'm wearing a green dress, I wish I was wearing my blue dress, my blue dress is at the cleaners. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue, 'Casablanca' is such a good movie. Casablanca, the White House, Bush. Why don't I drive a hybrid car? I should really drive a hybrid car. I should really take my bicycle to work. Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants!"
That's kinda what my thought pattern was like.  I keep having bizarre, irrational thoughts.  However, the fact I can recognize their irrationality reassures me that perhaps I am not completely crazy yet.

For example.  The other night I woke up and bumped my foot into Kevin's.  He kind of jerked it away in his sleep, and for some reason I thought that seemed really weird.  I thought, "Maybe it's not Kevin's foot!"  I reached out to touch it again and he jerked it away again and I sat up all freaked out, "That doesn't feel like Kevin's foot!  There must be something at the bottom of our bed!  Maybe it is a small animal!  Oh no, maybe it's the baby!  Somehow she has ended up at the end of our bed and is suffocating!!"  I was looking over and seeing Juliana sleeping peacefully in her crib but at the same time still thinking, "Maybe it's the baby!"  I was picturing a little raccoon or baby possum wiggling around, as if we were camping instead of on a third floor apartment in the middle of the city in a country where I have never seen raccoons or possums.  I was a little bit more awake at that point and realized that both of these ideas were pretty crazy, but I still had to reach over and feel Kevin's leg to reassure myself that it was indeed his foot. 

It was pretty special.  Perhaps I still need more sleep.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Day in the Life of Juliana

6:30am - Time to rise and shine! Play! Talk! Enough of this sleep stuff.

By morning I am usually in mommy and daddy's bed, so sometimes we get to play as soon as we wake up.

Playtime! I have so many fun toys. I especially like the ones for chewing. Of course, I'll chew on anything.

Sometimes I "talk" Grandma Yaya, Grandpa, Nana, and Gramps on the computer. I don't really understand what's going on, but mommy and daddy point a little video camera at me and I do my best to perform all my new tricks.

After a few hours, I'm getting pretty tired from my early morning wakening and mommy says, "Naptime for tiny babies!" I try my hardest to wiggle my way out of her arms and keep yelling that I don't want to nap, but eventually I give in and fall asleep. Sometimes I even sleep in my crib!

When I wake up, daddy holds me over my little potty...well really it's just a little pot, but it's the perfect size for me! When he whistles, I know what to do! It's pretty fun.

Time for eating! I still like mommy's milk best, but this whole food thing is a fun new way to play. Today I'm having some squash and oatmeal. Mommy thinks it should go in my mouth, but I know better - it's much more fun all over my face and hands and chair and floor and mommy's shirt...

More playtime! This time I do a little hopping in my "Juliana Jump-up."

I'm not tired. I'm really not. But the soft music is playing and I'm sucking on my pacifier and daddy is bouncing me around, so maybe I'll just close my eyes for a minute... But none of this crib stuff this time. I insist on daddy's arms.
I like to go on walks in the afternoon. Sometimes we walk around the school and see lots of adoring fans, eh, students. Sometimes we walk out into the fields where everything is turning green and pretty.

Time to eat some more food!

Did I mention that I love bathtime! More playtime! But in the water! I love to splish and splash - and eat my ducky. :)

Storytime! I like feeling the books and trying to eat, um...I mean,  turn the pages.

I hate to admit it, but I'm getting a little sleepy...
Night-night. Sleep tight. Will you miss me? Don't worry - I'll wake you up again in a couple of hours!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cold Water

The other day some visiting students got to observe a baby feeding session. They thought it was hugely interesting and took tons of pictures and video. They laughed as Juliana lunged eagerly for the spoon and helped smear food all over her face, bib, hands, her clothes, my clothes...pretty much anything in the surrounding two foot danger zone. After she was done eating, I gave her the bottle sitting out on the table so she could drink/play with the water inside.

The students were shocked: “You are giving her cold water??” In all fairness, the water was room-temperature, but most Chinese consider anything cooler than steaming-hot to be cold water. And drinking cold water is as big a taboo as say, not wearing long underwear in November. And for a baby!

I reminded them that crazy foreigners often drink cold water and will even give it to their children. I know they hear these things, but I'm not sure they really understand. I should probably explain in greater depth.

“Crazy foreigners drink cold water pretty much all the time. They actually add ice to perfectly good water to make it even colder. They never or hardly ever drink hot water, except in the form of coffee or tea or hot chocolate. But plain hot water? Warm coke? They just don't do it. Even in the wintertime people drink cold water.

Children drink cold water. Old people drink cold water. Sick people drink cold water. Pregnant people drink cold water. People who have just had a baby drink cold water. And sometimes, even people's babies drink cold water.”

I should tell them all that but and maybe they would understand a little better. But probably they would either think, “I can't actually believe that. It's just too crazy,” or they would think, “This explains a lot about foreigner's crazy behavior...the cold water has gone to their brains!!”

In other news, I am jealous of you if
  • You ever sleep for more than 2 hours sleep at any given time
  • You get up less than 5 times a night
  • You don't have to go to bed before 9pm in order to get enough sleep
  • You have had a good night's sleep in the past eight months
  • You bought Girl Scout cookies (unrelated, but they sure are good...)
I am not jealous of you if
  • Your baby wakes you up every half hour
  • You are in your last three weeks of pregnancy and so uncomfortable you can't sleep at all
  • You are being tortured by means of sleep deprivation, because not only are you sleep deprived, you are also being tortured, and that can't be fun
  • You are currently in a long-term coma and sleep all the time (ok, a little jealous)

Friday, March 25, 2011

6 Months Old!

Hard to believe our little girl is already six months old!  Hard to believe how much our lives have totally altered in six months.  Hard to believe how hard it still is.  Hard to believe that any other baby could be quite as great as ours is. :)

Juliana is now rolling over, jumping in her Johnny Jump-up, deftly grabbing toys to gnaw on, and squealing in a multitude of pitches.  She recently started eating some solid foods, and seems to like the rice cereal, bananas, and sweet potatoes she's had so far.  She particularly likes helping out with putting the spoon in her mouth (i.e. Smashing it into her cheek, smearing food on her fingers, and flinging it on the floor). 

We love finding ways to make her giggle, like giving big dramatic kisses, swinging her in the air, and blowing raspberries on her belly.  She still hates to sleep and likes waking up practicing her new noises...every hour.  She enjoys seeing new people and being admired.  She likes being naked even though it's too cold for that. 

Naked time!!
Oh, and she has started using the potty after naptimes!  We aren't going full-blown split-pants method, but we are doing some casual 'infant potty training/elimination communication' and Juliana seems to be picking it up quite well.  Probably because she's brilliant.  No but really, I have heard that babies brains develop while they are in those light stages of sleep, and since Juliana dwells mainly in those stages, we're probably going to have a genius on our hands.
Thinking profound thoughts

So I thought I would share a few new pictures just in case you forgot how cute she was.  Happy Half Birthday Juliana!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two Juliana videos

We thought we'd share a couple more videos of Juliana from recent weeks. Enjoy...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Operation Juliana Sleep

By Ruth
Warning: This may not interest you at all. I am writing a whole long entry about sleep, not because it is the most fascinating topic (to you, at least), but because it is the current obsession at our house. And since I spend all day and all night obsessing over sleep and not getting any sleep, I console myself with having an outlet to write about it. But the good news is - if you're not interested, you don't have to read it! Just skip right over or save it for a really boring day. And you can't say I didn't warn you.
Juliana Back in the Day: "Ah, I love sleep."
Juliana is a wonderful baby. She is almost always happy – smiling and laughing and treating everyone like her best friends. She is lots of fun. She just has this one teeny-tiny little flaw: she hates to sleep. I'm not quite sure where this particular trait was inherited as both Kevin and I both love to sleep.

Ever since birth, Juliana has been a poor sleeper. No, that's not true. The first couple of weeks when she was all jaundiced, she slept all the time. We had trouble getting her to wake up! Why didn't I appreciate that when I had the chance? Apparently Juliana felt she wasted far too much time sleeping those weeks, and she has tried her hardest to stay awake ever since.
She would sleep anywhere! (well, as long as someone was holding her...)
There are probably about 4-5 times when Juliana has “slept through the night” (5 hours at one time). I could still count the number of times she's slept longer than 4 hours, and her average sleep length is still about 2 hours, and she is often up several hours during the night fighting sleep. Sometimes she's unhappy, but most times she just seems bored of sleeping. I don't think Juliana has ever in her life slept as much as they say a baby her age “should.”

For our sanity, and Juliana's greater sleep needs, we have decided something needs to change. Thus we have begun Operation Juliana Sleep. This Operation involves a lot of different things, but one thing is notably missing from our strategy: the “cry it out” method.

[Ruth enters, climbs on soapbox, waves fist passionately in air, and begins...]

If you are into the “cry it out” method, you can find lots of support. Most of the people I have talked to have at least tried letting their babies cry it out. It is a widely accepted idea, even considered the norm. So if you are into 'cry it out,' you can find plenty of people to agree with you. I think it is time for the other side to have a say.

I am not going to leave Juliana to cry herself to sleep and here are just a few of the reasons.
  • I believe Juliana has psychological and emotional as well as physical needs. Just because she is fed and dry doesn't mean that she doesn't need parenting.
  • I do not think her cries are manipulative or demanding; I think they are expressing an honest need. If she stops crying when I pick her up, I doubt she is thinking, “Ah-ha! Tricked you!” She's probably thinking, “Ah yes, that is what I needed.”
  • I think that Juliana is learning to trust or distrust people. If the people who love her respond to her, she will recognize she can trust them. She will develop a sense of security.
  • I don't think that Juliana is old enough to understand what is going on. If we go away, she doesn't understand that we will come back. I don't want to leave her alone crying, feeling completely abandoned.
  • I don't think that Juliana needs to be independent of me. She is a baby. She should be treated like a baby.
  • I think leaving your baby to cry totally goes against a mother's instincts. It seems like almost all mothers have had a really hard time with letting their babies cry, even had to be restrained because they want to comfort their baby. Perhaps if something goes so completely against what I believe are God given instincts, it means it's not a good idea.
  • While I would love it if parenting were an 8am-8pm kinda job, I don't think that I should ignore Juliana just because it's dark outside.
I know people have a lot of different ideas of what it means to let your baby cry it out. Many people don't go to extremes, but I actually had someone tell me to let Juliana cry for hours, if necessary. They said, “The worst thing you can do is pick her up after she has been crying for an hour because that will teach her that if she cries for an hour, she will get her way.” Yes, that does sound like a bad idea!!

And one final grievance with this method – it bothers me that “let your baby cry a lot” is the only solution some people seem to have to any sleep problems. It's supposed to be a comprehensive fix-all. Can't we come up with anything better than that?

[Ruth begrudgingly descends from soapbox]

So, we ruled out all the crying, but that still left us with this big problem: We all need more sleep!! I got a book called The No-Cry Sleep Solution and decided to give it a try. I like this book because:
- You never leave your baby to cry
- It has a whole variety of ideas to try
- You create a customized sleep plan based on your babies individual sleep difficulties
- Your goal is to figure out what works best for you and your baby
- It's realistic: no promise of overnight change but rather hope of gradual progress
- A group of 50 moms with poor-sleeping babies tried out these ideas, gave feedback, report on real setbacks and progress, and saw lots of improvement in their babies' sleep!

Juliana Today: " Sleep? What's that?  I've got places to go!  People to see!  Let's get going!"
Step 1: We created a sleep plan. Our plan includes things like consistent naptimes, attempting longer naps (she's terrible about napping too!), a consistent bedtime, a consistent bedtime routine, and getting her back to sleep without nursing as often.

Step 2: Follow sleep plan for 10 days. It was a frustrating 10 days. Juliana and I both got colds. Then I got a stomach bug. Juliana has started pre-teething and seems bothered by her gums. Night after night, Juliana would not sleep longer than 1.5 hours at a time. In between times, she would stay awake for an hour or more. She would wake up every time we tried to put her in her crib. We felt supremely discouraged.

Step 3: Re-evaluate sleep plan. While we hadn't seen much (any?) progress, we want to continue with most of the ideas in hopes that they'll pay off. We tweaked a few that didn't seem to be working. We also decided the biggest hang up with Juliana's sleep is that she will only fall asleep when she is being held. This means that every time she wakes up she wants someone to hold her. So now we are starting a long, multi-step process of getting her to fall asleep on her own, beginning with putting her down while she is just entering the light phase of sleep.

Step 4: Continue for 10 more days. We are now on day 12 or 13 or so, and thing have gotten a tiny bit better. The other night, Juliana slept for 4 hours! And the past couple of nights, though she has woken up frequently, she hasn't stayed awake for hours each time. Baby steps.

So while we don't yet have a success story to report, we are starting to see a glimmer of hope. There may just yet (please, God, please) be sleep in our future!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby's First Words

We have a couple of little baby books we got from a baby store here.  They have pictures of some basic things and words in Chinese and English.  I have "read" through the books with Juliana a few times and she really enjoys it.  She likes the different tones of Chinese, which I guess makes sense since even we tend to use sing-song voices when talking to babies.  She laughs when I say the Chinese words - I will presume it is because she likes the sounds, not because she's laughing at my poor pronunciation.

The books include a lot of basic words, things like tree, chair, fruit, open and close.  Then we got to the page with cigarettes and beer.  Because those are must-need vocabulary for every young baby.  What??

Monday, February 21, 2011

Juliana's Thailand swim

We bought a tube so Juliana could take a swim at the pool during our stay in Baan Grood, Thailand. Enjoy...