Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Our American Summer
I've planned to write several blog posts in the past few weeks but somehow it's never happened. It's funny how you can not be doing anything specific and still stay busy. I guess we are experiencing the typical American summer.
I would pause here to make some cultural observations but they are all still too muddled. After living away from your "home country" for long enough, you stop looking at it through insider eyes. It makes more sense to take on a mindset more similar to when you first moved to another country. It's not as confusing, because you still understand most of the rules, but some of the rules and some of the players have changed and nobody can tell you exactly which ones. And sometimes it's just you that have changed - your inner rhythm is different from before, so you feel one step off from the world around. Which isn't much different from how you feel in your "borrowed" country, except that nobody expects you to fit in there. The nice thing is, after a while you just don't care as much.
Other than making vague cultural realizations, the past few weeks have been busy with seeing people. Almost all of Kevin's friends and family are still in the general LA area (novel, huh?), so there are lots of people to try to catch up with every summer. It's not quite as urgent this time since we will be back by the end of the year. It's not long time compared to normal, but I guess, "If we don't catch you this time we'll try to work it out in 4 or 5 months" does seem kind of long.
Juliana has been having a great time playing with friends, with Nana and Gramps, and with her new toys. She has been doing lots of drawing and made my sister a beautiful card full of spiders for her birthday. She has done well during all our driving all over. It helps that she can amuse herself by talking and singing for hours. She likes to make up new songs. Her latest hit, "I'm Lying on my Knees," reaches previously unmatched intensity and decibles. She has already acquired a play house and car, so obviously she is adjusting well to American life.
I am busy being pregnant. Overall I have been feeling better now that we're done with all that packing and moving and traveling craziness, but sometimes pregnancy catches up with you. You might forget that your body is still working hard to grow this ever demanding (or at least ever active) baby...until you do too much and your body decides to not-so-politely let you know what it thinks about that. The good thing about pregnancy is that you get to know that some day this madness will end and your body will get along with you again. Apparently some people really love being pregnant. But then some people love Nascar, asparagus, and Chinese opera, so there's a lot I don't understand in the world.
And I am now less than two months from my due date! Juliana was 4 days early, so I'm holding out hope this one will be early too. I sure wouldn't mind, and the kiddos probably wouldn't mind having their own birthdays afterall. Of course I would like for baby to wait until she's actually ready to come out. And definitely until after we make it to Georgia two weeks from now.
Last week we found out we are having another girl! I didn't have a strong feeling or preference either way, I was just eager to find out. Kevin had kind of been hoping for another girl, although he was thinking maybe it was a boy because I was much sicker this time. We are excited for Juliana to have a sister, and we do have lots of cute girl clothes already! When we bought a little outfit for the baby, Juliana was excited and tried to claim it for herself. Which is pretty much how I expect the future to be.
Now we just need to decide on a name. We aren't planning on revealing the name until the baby comes anyway, but it would be nice for us to know before then! We asked Juliana what she thinks her little sister should be called, but since she calls her dolls "dolly" and "new dolly," and her stuffed cat "kitty," I don't think she quite gets the naming concept yet.
I promise to update again sometime in the next two months before baby arrives. In the meantime, we'll continue to enjoy our daily guacamole, try to see a few more family and friends, and ask baby to please be nice to mama.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Back to America
It hasn't been the easiest transition back to America. The actual travel went quite smoothly. At just under 24 hours total, it was probably about as short as our trips have ever been. It was 9pm by the time we left Beijing, so Juliana actually fell asleep right away and slept for most of the next eight hours. Kevin and I both slept more than we expected. I was uncomfortable but I moved around a lot and the back pain wasn't as bad as I feared. While awake, Juliana was mostly content to watch Chinese cartoons. We didn't even have a long customs line at LAX, and our bags all arrived.
Since then, of course, we had to deal with lots of jetlag. Juliana was waking up for several hours during the night, or waking up excitedly at 4am, done for the night. Kevin has been sleeping in with Juliana since she was disturbed by sleeping in an unfamiliar room. He has been trying to put on videos for Juliana and get some more sleep, but he still hasn't gotten a decent night yet. I was waking up at 3 or 4am, not actually too different from before we left China, but it really wasn't cutting it.
I've had a cold for over three weeks and it was just starting to get better before we traveled, but since getting back I've felt worse and worse. I was pretty sure it had turned into a sinus infection, so I finally went to the urgent care and got some antibiotics which will hopefully help quickly.
While urgent care isn't exactly the height of American healthcare, I was pleasantly surprised with this facility. I was the only person waiting, the staff were all quite friendly and seemed competent. Still I was a little surprised to find myself missing China. I don't exactly relish going to the hospital in China, but I've gotten quite used to it. I paid $50 to see the doctor thinking, "In China it would be closer to a dollar!" and $30 for antibiotics which I could have bought from a Chinese pharmacy for $2-3. American prices can be a rude awakening.
Juliana has also had two days of throwing up this week. She has thrown up all over me and Kevin and her grandparents' new couches, which seemed to withstand the test pretty well. I'm not sure what was causing the throwing up - a virus or just difficulty adjusting to America, but she finally seems to have recovered. Of course, the days she spent sleeping and watching cartoons almost all day didn't help with jetlag. We've been back for a week, but last night she was still awake from 1am until amost 6am, which is really not okay.
Other than all the sickness and not sleeping, I suppose the transition is going okay, though. Aided by plenty of fun new toys and grandparent attention, Juliana seems pretty happy with America. She has even adjusted quite quickly to flushing toilet paper and gets upset if I even blow my nose and then put tissue in the trashcan. "NO! Not in the trash! In America tissue goes in the potty!!" If only the rest of potty training was transferring so easily. I feel like about 75% of the progress made was left in China.
In the past Juliana has always called me, "mama," which is also what Chinese children call their mothers. I was thinking that after hearing her American friends using "mommy" she might make the change, but I didn't expect her to change quite so quickly! About two days after we got here she started calling me "mommy" and now that's all she will use. It reminds me of the time my sisters decided we were too old to use "mommy" any more and we should all switch to "mom." From that day forward there was no going back. Fortunately we're not to that transition yet!
One week down and 7+ months to go. Hopefully America will be kinder to us from here on out! At least we'll only have two cross-country trips and 3 hour jetlags, plus a minor new-baby transition to deal with, so from here on out it should be pretty easy going, right?
Friday, June 28, 2013
Moving Day
Moving day finally arrived. There were
several times in these weeks leading up to it when I thought I might
die, if it's possible to keel over dead from exhaustion. I finally
got over my super long cold but am entering the third trimester with
plenty of exhaustion and back pain, even without dealing with the
move. Lately I am far too tired and uncomfortable to sleep.
Apparently my body is gearing up for jet-lag because I've been waking
up at 3:30 or 4am unable to sleep for hours.
A few weeks ago Kevin hurt his hand,
which has been a bit of a problem in the packing and moving process.
It is still sore but now he can at least pick up things again.
Juliana is very familiar with packing suitcases for a trip but is
completely thrown off by packing up everything we own. She has been
pretty stressed and confused lately. Even though we've tried to
explain what is going on, she doesn't quite understand that she will
in fact see her toys again (like “8 months later” really means
much to a preschooler), we're not just taking them all way. She also
has been a little freaked out to leave our sight; I think she's
afraid we will leave her behind.
Despite the challenges (Did I mention
the heat? And the A/C unit in our bedroom just stopped working...),
all of our belongings are packed and no one died in the process.
Even if we wanted to move all our things down from the 6th
floor, down the road, and back up to the 3rd floor on our own (which we
didn't), I can't carry anything heavy and Kevin can't carry much with
his hurt hand. So we hired a moving company for about $70.
Originally we scheduled the moving guys to arrive at 9am this
morning, but they called the night before to say it would be noon
instead. Shortly before noon, they called back to say 2-3pm, and
they finally arrived just after 4pm. I guess we should have expected
Three normal-sized Chinese guys pulled
up downstairs in a large truck. We were their third move of the day,
and they were happy that almost all the furniture belonged to the
landlord. Still, we had 40 boxes and a dozen trashbags, plus two
cabinets and a crib. I'm pretty sure we moved here with about 30
boxes total (larger ones, granted), so the accumulation mystery
continues. Where did all this stuff come from?? It's not like our
apartment is that big.
The three men sized up the load and
then started hauling. They looked like average sized guys, no
bulging muscles or anything, but looks can be deceiving. I watched
the first guy tie together half a dozen boxes, strap it to his back,
and head off down the stairs with a load twice as big as himself.
One man was obviously the main mover. Even though he had already
moved two households today, he was still smiling, joking with the
other guys, and chatting with me as he energetically gathered boxes.
He rather seemed to relish his job.
He strapped eight boxes together and
hoisted them onto his companion's back. When the other guy wavered
and decided it was too much, the main mover said something to the
effect of, “Really? You can't handle these eight boxes? Come on!”
Then he strapped them to his own back and headed downstairs with no
problem. A couple of trips later, he hoisted our large 3-door
wardrobe onto his back. It was too big to fit down the stairs
frontwards, so he backed his way down 5 flights of stairs - with the
giant wardrobe on his back. It was all highly impressive and a
little nerve-wracking. I was a little concerned for our belongings
and a bit more concerned that this would be the part where someone
keeled over dead. If this were the States, they could probably put
on a show and charge admission.
Kevin stayed downstairs to watch the
belongings being loaded into the truck, and I stayed upstairs telling
the movers which items to take. I would have felt a little bad about
sitting and watching them work so hard if not for my big pregnant
belly. At one point I moved a very light box out of the way and they
said, “Oh no, don't pick that up. We'll move it.”
Halfway through, the men paused
downstairs for a smoke-break and when they came back up they had
stripped their shirts off. It was mid-90's after all. One guy
paused appreciatively in front of our fan but the other guy explained
that he was avoiding the fan because after sweating so much he was
afraid of getting too cool. Uh huh. Two of the guys were starting
to look winded, but the main mover was still energetic. He showed his moving buddy how to balance a chair on his back and still have his hands free for a couple more items. Finally he strapped four large boxes of books on his back and trotted off downstairs.
In just under 1.5 hours, everything was
moved downstairs. Now all that was left was carrying it up 3 flights
of stairs to our new apartment. Piece of cake. They were finished
by 7pm.
I'd say those movers were definitely
worth it.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Chinese phone conversations
By Kevin
I have a confession to make. I hate
making phone calls, particularly to strangers.
It was one of my least favorite parts
about being a journalist. I hated being the interruption to
somebody's day. I hated the impersonal nature of it. But it was a
necessary evil. If I wanted the story, I had to make dozens of calls
a day. So I sucked it up and did it. For an introvert like me, it was
always a task. It wasn't something I did on the spur of the moment.
It took deliberation. It was a means to an end. I even got to the
point where I didn't mind it so much because I can type much more
quickly (and legibly) than I can take notes by hand.
If I hated making phone calls in
America, imagine my hesitation in China. For my first year in China,
I didn't even have a cell phone. I enjoyed the freedom of being able
to go for a hike in the hills behind campus and not have to worry
about it ringing with some pressing need. My students and superiors
all had my home number. That was good enough.
I only broke down and bought one
because Ruth and I were dating and I wanted another way to talk to
her on the days when our Internet in Tonghua cut off at 11 p.m.,
making Skype useless. I also decided I'd need something I case I
needed help getting out of inevitable travel difficulties on my first
solo domestic China trip to see her in Yangzhou. But I only spoke
English. Only to friends. In fact, the only people I gave my number
to were friends -- and if they were my friend, at that time, they
could speak English. If someone on an unrecognized number spoke
Chinese to me, I apologized, told them I was a foreigner and my
Chinese was bad, and hung up. If it was important, they'd find an
English speaker to help them call again.
Year three, when we moved to Weinan, I
was forced to pick up the phone and call my first Chinese stranger:
the water delivery company. In China, you can't drink the tap water,
so you must purify your own water with a boiler or filter or buy
bottles of purified water (a bit like those 5-gallon Sparkletts
bottles you can sign up for in the States). The first words out of my
mouth (in Chinese) were: "I am a foreigner." Then, reading
from a script, I informed them that we needed them to deliver a
bottle of purified water to my door. I crossed my fingers and hoped
that they'd understood. Thankfully, the water company had gotten the
routine down from the previous foreigners who lived there, so as soon
as they saw our telephone number on their caller ID, they knew the
drill. Before long, I just had to tell them I was the foreigner on
the third floor. An hour later, water would magically appear.
Success. I could speak Chinese. As long as it was written out in
script form. If they varied from the script, I was utterly lost. I
usually just went back to the top and repeated myself. In Tonghua,
this wasn't an issue mainly because I had a water purifier in my
apartment, so I never had to order water delivery. This continued for
years three through five. My Chinese improved incrementally in that
span of time, but not enough to branch out beyond the now memorize
script, plus a few variations.
Year six in Yinchuan was the start of
language school. Day one, we repeated the water ordering routine we'd
established in Weinan, first informing them I was a foreigner, then
explaining our need for water and where we lived.
A month later, one of our homework
assignments was to call information and ask for a particular phone
number. I was so spooked when the operator asked me to repeat my
request (the name of a park) that I had to call back a second time to
get the number right. I continued to avoid phone calls.
Halfway through the year, I signed up
for a Taobao account (kinda like an of China, though China
also has I figured it would be easy, I'd use Google
translate to sort out any problems I had with ordering, then the
items would arrive. The delivery guy would either call or send a
message upon arrival (most domestic deliveries in China don't arrive
via the standard postal service), but it wouldn't be too difficult,
even with beginner Chinese. Then one of the orders was bad.
Apparently sometimes Taobao merchants continue to list items that are
out of stock. So one day, after ordering something, the merchant
called to explain to me that they didn't have the item. It took me
awhile to figure out that she was asking if I wanted another similar
item or if they should return the money. Eventually I figured out to
just ask for a refund. It didn't make me enjoy talking on the phone
any more.
An aversion to talking on the phone
isn't exactly a great trait to have as a language student. Some
students might relish the challenge of a phone conversation. They
might be excited to see how well they can communicate. They may be
excited to see if the other speaker is able to guess that they aren't
Chinese. Generally that isn't me. I just want utility. Usually
talking on the phone is nothing more than a necessary evil.
The one highlight to my phone
experience in China was when one day, I had to order more propane.
Our apartment has a small 10 gallon propane tank underneath the
counter to run our stove burner. It needs a refil every 8 months or
so. Anyway, when the delivery guy arrived, he was shocked that I was
a foreigner. It was the ultimate compliment: I hadn't made enough
pronunciation or grammar mistakes in my short phone conversation to
reveal myself as a non-native speaker. I was ecstatic.
I should probably put today's phone
calls in the "language win" column. After all, in the end I
was successful at completing my task. I think. But after a rash of
miscommunication, it feels like it belongs in the "loss column."
Let me explain. We will be moving next
week. Ruth is 6 months pregnant and I fell down while jogging two
weeks ago. Nothing was broken, but I scraped the knuckles of my left
pinke badly enough that I still can't bend it and sprained my wrist
badly enough that twisting bottles and lifting heavy boxes is out of
the question. Not ideal timing for us to move. Since we live on the
sixth floor and will be moving to the third, we need to hire movers
to do the heavy lifting. Thankfully hiring movers plus a van here
costs less than renting a moving van in the States.
So I called up some movers recommended
by my Korean classmate (who ironically taught at the same college in
Tonghua as I did the year after I left -- but that's a different
story). My classmate said they charged them 200 RMB for the move,
which is half of what some American friends paid for their move. The
caveat -- their new building has an elevator. So the operator
answered and cut quickly to the chase: where were we moving from and
to, how much stuff and what floors. She didn't recognize the new
apartment complex, so I explained that it's just across the street
from our campus gate. I explained that we have very little furniture,
just a wardrobe and a crib and 40 or so boxes of various sizes. Then
the floor - sixth to third. It took her a few seconds and she gave me
a quote: 350 RMB. Reasonable, but I figured I'd try another mover.
Yesterday, my classmate Kevin -- whose
apartment we will be moving into -- had arranged to move some other
furniture and boxes belonging to our friend Kaylene into his
apartment at Cai Xiao (the name of the complex). Kaylene had to leave
early last year for medical reasons and plans to return to a
different city in China after she recovers. So we packed up her
stuff, bought some of her furniture (since our new apartment is
mostly unfurnished) and decided to store it all in our apartment
while we are in the States awaiting the birth of baby #2.
Kevin had also bought some of her
stuff, so he called the movers and got a quote that he could move the
stuff -- from floor 2 to floor 3 of Cai Xiao -- for 260 RMB per
truckload. Plus, the movers would charge a little extra for big stuff
like refrigerators and giant wardrobes. He set it up for Tuesday
morning. Kevin said the guy's Chinese was a bit hard to understand,
but he'd worked things out fine. Granted, of everyone in our class,
Kevin's Chinese is the best. Every semester he gets the award for
being the best student in class.
So, since I also needed movers, today,
I sent the same mover a text message with the details of our move and
asking for a quote, hoping to avoid a phone conversation that would
immediately reveal me as a foreigner. But when he hadn't replied
after an hour, I decided to give him a call.
I asked if he'd received my text
message and told him I wanted to move from Ning Da to Cai Xiao (our
new complex). Immediately, he seemed confused. "You called
earlier about moving on Tuesday, right?" he asked. I feigned
ignorance."No. That must be someone else." I didn't want
to admit that I was a foreigner. Often the price quoted to a
foreigner is significantly higher than that offered to a Chinese. I
didn't want to be a target for being cheated. I just told him that I
wanted to move on Friday. I didn't mention that my friend had spoken
with him yesterday. He said that he'd already said that it would be
260 because He charges by the truckload.
A couple hours later, he called me
back. "I just saw your text message," he said. "If
it's not the second floor to the third floor, but the sixth to the
third, it is more agonizing (Sometimes Chinese is a bit melodramatic
-- word used to explain difficulty -- 痛苦
-- literally means pain and bitterness). "The price will
be 350 RMB." So, a bit more than 20 RMB extra per extra floor.
Then he asked, "Aren't you the
international friend I spoke with yesterday?" I told him I
wasn't. I'd been foiled. So had Kevin. How he figured it out I'll
never know. Was it my limited vocabulary or my repeated requests for
him to repeat himself. Who was I kidding? I'd mostly hoped he would
think I was someone from a different province, whose Mandarin was
poor. "But you are moving to Cai Xiao also, right?" "Yes."
I gave in. "Yes, my friend spoke with you before. He is moving
from another apartment to Cai Xiao on Tuesday. I am moving from Ning
Da to Cai Xiao on Friday."
We'd thoroughly confused the poor guy. I
was afraid that might happen. Now I'm hoping he still shows up on
Tuesday. Maybe I'll wait till then to decide if it goes in the
"language win" or "language loss" column.
Bad China Day,
expat life,
foreigner in China,
phone calls,
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Moving On (Again)
In just over three weeks we will be finished and heading back to America! In some ways I feel like it couldn't get here soon enough. Maybe it's the pregnancy or the heat or the fact that we do practically the same thing every lesson, but I am so ready to be done with class. I realized I have been a student for 24 of the past 25 years, and at this point I'm pretty sure I'm losing brain cells at a faster rate than I am gaining knowledge. Just seven more days of class!
There are also things I'm looking forward to in America. The way you go to the sink to wash your hands and water actually comes out. The abundant use of A/C. Doing something different than going to class every day. Eating guacamole and real sour cream and Tums. The Tums aren't necessarily related, but I am looking forward to them...breathing pretty much gives me heartburn these days.
Three weeks really couldn't get here soon enough...except for one little thing. A couple of weeks ago we found out we have to move. Not exactly great news. Fortunately another apartment option presented itself pretty quickly - we are going to move into the apartment our teammates will be vacating. It is just across the street from the school and less than a 10 minute walk from where we live now.
Unfortunately while our apartment was fully furnished, theirs was not. Fortunately someone has a bed and desk we can borrow, another teammate gave us a good deal on the couch she was selling, and Juliana has a giant stuffed bear which can take the place of furniture in her we're almost good to go. We are buying all the main appliances (in China unfurnished really means unfurnished) from our teammates - fridge, washer, stove (two burners!), hot water heater. While we're able to buy all these things for less than we'd probably spend on one appliance in the States, it still irks me to have to buy them when we managed to avoid having to buy them two years ago. But there's not much we can do about it, and hopefully we can re-sell them whenever we move back into teacher housing. We can do without a lot of things, but I'm not quite ready to try life without a fridge and washer.
Another unfortunate is that the rent is a good deal more than on our apartment. $50 more dollars a month might not seem like a huge deal until you consider we were only paying $125/month for rent the past couple of years. It's a pretty sizeable increase, but our apartment was a really good deal and I don't think we'd find something else like it. With the more expensive rent we will get some pleasant perks like an actual eating area instead of a folding table in the living room, only climbing to the 3rd floor, a kitchen that won't freeze over in the winter, and best of all - water that actually stays on all Spring! With two small, messy children and cloth diapering, I think having water every day will be a big asset.
So now that we have a place to live next year when we return from our time in the States, the next step is packing up everything. Why do I feel like we just did this? We haven't accumulated much in the past two years with one notable exception: when we came to Yinchuan Juliana had about 6 toys. Now she has, well, a whole lot more.
There is nothing like packing and moving to make you realize just how much stuff you have. It makes me a little squeamish to think about. In the last move we did a pretty good job of eliminating things we didn't actually use, so our "give away" stash is pretty small this time. But still - how do we possibly need so much?
Take the kitchen, which I have yet to tackle at all. We have a square baking pan, 2 round pans, 2 bread pans, a 9x13 pan, a muffin tin, and 2 cookie sheets. I use them all, but is it really necessary to do baking in that many shapes?
I do like the organizing and purging aspect of packing but not much else about it. Especially frustrating is looking around seeing all the things we will need to pack but knowing we'll still need to use them for the next few weeks.
The biggest impediment for me has been exhaustion. The temperature has recently been hanging out in the upper 90's. Heat doesn't usually bother me so much, but in pregnancy I feel the last remaining shreds of energy draining away. We just started using our A/C since I decided I won't be able to get anything done without it. Even so, the A/C is only able to cool some of the rooms in the house, and of course very few other places (like the classroom) are air conditioned.
The past couple of days we have been enjoying some wonderfully cool days though. Thank you, Chinese government. This weekend is the all-important 高考 (college entrance exam) for students across the country, and apparently every year they seed the clouds at this time to make cooler weather for students taking the exam. We are trying to take advantage of the coolness - as well as our 3 day holiday this week - to get some more packing done.
Juliana has been doing her part in aiding the packing process. When I finally packed up the first box of books last week she promptly unpacked it for me, no doubt for quality inspection. As the pile of boxes slowly grows, she's starting to get the idea. The other day as Kevin and I worked on packing, Juliana rushed into her room, "I'm bringing bunny! We need to pack bunny! I'm going to wear my backpack!" She understands packing for a trip a little better than packing for a move, and her concept of any future more distant than "right now" is still a bit fuzzy. What will be even more confusing is when she moves into her best friends’ house next year and they aren’t there!
There are also things I'm looking forward to in America. The way you go to the sink to wash your hands and water actually comes out. The abundant use of A/C. Doing something different than going to class every day. Eating guacamole and real sour cream and Tums. The Tums aren't necessarily related, but I am looking forward to them...breathing pretty much gives me heartburn these days.
Three weeks really couldn't get here soon enough...except for one little thing. A couple of weeks ago we found out we have to move. Not exactly great news. Fortunately another apartment option presented itself pretty quickly - we are going to move into the apartment our teammates will be vacating. It is just across the street from the school and less than a 10 minute walk from where we live now.
Just before we found out we'd have to move, Juliana packed her toys - and herself - into a box in what is commonly called foreshadowing. |
Another unfortunate is that the rent is a good deal more than on our apartment. $50 more dollars a month might not seem like a huge deal until you consider we were only paying $125/month for rent the past couple of years. It's a pretty sizeable increase, but our apartment was a really good deal and I don't think we'd find something else like it. With the more expensive rent we will get some pleasant perks like an actual eating area instead of a folding table in the living room, only climbing to the 3rd floor, a kitchen that won't freeze over in the winter, and best of all - water that actually stays on all Spring! With two small, messy children and cloth diapering, I think having water every day will be a big asset.
While less stairs will be nice, I will miss our view of the mountains |
There is nothing like packing and moving to make you realize just how much stuff you have. It makes me a little squeamish to think about. In the last move we did a pretty good job of eliminating things we didn't actually use, so our "give away" stash is pretty small this time. But still - how do we possibly need so much?
Take the kitchen, which I have yet to tackle at all. We have a square baking pan, 2 round pans, 2 bread pans, a 9x13 pan, a muffin tin, and 2 cookie sheets. I use them all, but is it really necessary to do baking in that many shapes?
I do like the organizing and purging aspect of packing but not much else about it. Especially frustrating is looking around seeing all the things we will need to pack but knowing we'll still need to use them for the next few weeks.
The biggest impediment for me has been exhaustion. The temperature has recently been hanging out in the upper 90's. Heat doesn't usually bother me so much, but in pregnancy I feel the last remaining shreds of energy draining away. We just started using our A/C since I decided I won't be able to get anything done without it. Even so, the A/C is only able to cool some of the rooms in the house, and of course very few other places (like the classroom) are air conditioned.
The past couple of days we have been enjoying some wonderfully cool days though. Thank you, Chinese government. This weekend is the all-important 高考 (college entrance exam) for students across the country, and apparently every year they seed the clouds at this time to make cooler weather for students taking the exam. We are trying to take advantage of the coolness - as well as our 3 day holiday this week - to get some more packing done.
Juliana has been doing her part in aiding the packing process. When I finally packed up the first box of books last week she promptly unpacked it for me, no doubt for quality inspection. As the pile of boxes slowly grows, she's starting to get the idea. The other day as Kevin and I worked on packing, Juliana rushed into her room, "I'm bringing bunny! We need to pack bunny! I'm going to wear my backpack!" She understands packing for a trip a little better than packing for a move, and her concept of any future more distant than "right now" is still a bit fuzzy. What will be even more confusing is when she moves into her best friends’ house next year and they aren’t there!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Chinese Wedding Weekend
With the wedding couple |
On Thursday we got up at 5am to leave for the airport. We spent a 5-hour layover in Xian mostly hanging out in the comfortable chairs in Dunkin Donuts. We even formed a little bed for Juliana where she rested for approximately 3 minutes.
Juliana "resting" in the airport |
When we finally arrived in Nanjing that evening, we went to eat at a Mexican restaurant (because you know, there is one) then headed to our $18 hotel where we spent a rather restless night. The next morning we caught an early train to Taizhou, fortunately just 2.5 hours away. Our train went through Yangzhou, my first city in China. I marveled at the way trees and grass sprung up from the ground as easily as dirt does in Ningxia. I've gotten used to living on the edge of the desert, and it really was surprising to see lakes and rivers around every turn.
My friend's fiance met us in Taizhou, his hometown where the wedding would take place. He took us in his month-old personal car to meet up with the rest of the family. Unfortunately the car's brand-new GPS was missing several of the new roads so it took quite a while to find the way. Juliana was almost falling asleep when we arrived at the restaurant where my friend Candace, her family, and her fiance's family were waiting.
Candace and her family |
Eating dinner at Candace's new apartment |
Juliana at the pre-wedding banquet, still not feeling so great. But she was still ready to get out of the hotel! |
When Candace asked if Juliana would be the flower girl I wasn't really sure what that would entail. A traditional Chinese wedding celebration revolves around the large banquet with some ceremony and performances included, but more and more western traditions have been picked up.
The wedding car |
Some of the traditions had been fulfilled earlier in the day, when the families lit off lots of firecrackers (probably the ones we heard starting at 6am). Before the pre-wedding banquet Candace's fiance had gone to pick her up in the wedding car. He then carried her up to their third floor apartment. I told him to be glad he didn't live on the sixth floor like us!
The banquet hall |
Juliana and the flower boy lead the way down the aisle |
The couple exchanges vows |
After walking up the aisle, the couple exchanged vows and wedding rings. Together they lit some type of firecracker/candle and prayed for good fortune, then filled a tower of glasses with champagne. Candace went to change into a traditional red qipao and meanwhile the lights came back on and the banqueting started. When she returned, the second part of the ceremony involved calling the new in-laws "father" and "mother" and receiving lucky money from them.
Praying for fortune |
Calling the in-laws "mother" and "father", receiving an embrace and lucky money |
Each table was first filled with cold dishes - cold meats, cucumbers in garlic, hawthorn jellies, "thousand year eggs"... after a few minutes the servers started bringing in the hot dishes - all kinds of meats, several fish, shrimp, soups, and a few "fancified" vegetables. Dozens of dishes later, the large baozi (steamed buns stuffed with meat or vegetables) signaled the last of the dishes. Just like at any banquet, one of the most important parts is toasting all the appropriate people. Approximately every two minutes someone would stand and toast someone else at the table. Of course no celebration is complete without lots of alcohol and smoking. I was grateful for the banquet room's high ceilings which kept the smoke from getting too thick around us.
The banquet table...before the dishes really piled up |
While everyone was banqueting, the couple and the husband's parents moved around to toast every table and the performances started. An opera singer dressed in a fancy traditional dress sang and danced...which was a little strange because it was actually a guy (in the past all opera performers were men). Several other singers sang and strutted to very loud music.
The opera singer |
Then suddenly, the banquet was over. Everyone started leaving their tables and three minutes later the room was practically empty. It's truly phenominal how fast a room can clear in China. I've never seen anything quite like it in America.
The decorated bridal chamber |
The couple would spend their wedding night in their new home, their bedroom beautifully decorated with a red bed-covering and red 喜喜 "double happiness" decorations, but there was no honeymoon for them. The next morning they saw us and Candace's family off, then Candace had to return to Changzhou, 2 hours away, where she still lives and works as a teacher. She hasn't been able to find a decent job in Taizhou, so she and her husband will live apart for the forseeable future. Candace is a high school teacher, so she is incredibly busy getting her students ready for the all important college entrance exam. She often works from 7am-10pm teaching and supervising students and only has a day off when the students are allowed to return home a couple of times a month. It seems like a difficult way to start a marriage, but in China it's not a terribly uncommon situation.
Juliana having fun with a new friend while we wait for our delayed flight |
It was a tiring weekend. The next day we took a bus to another city and then caught a bus to the airport. Our flight back delayed 1.5 hours so we didn't get back until 10pm Sunday night. But I'm really glad I got to see Candace again, meet her family, and attend her wedding. I also got to see two other former students, Candace's classmates. They had certainly grown up a lot since I met them as little freshmen almost 8 years ago.
With two other former Yangzhou students and their husbands |
Getting a little tired of all the pictures |
-One poofy flowergirl dress complete with hairband and pink elbow-length gloves.
-One moderate sized Snoopy stuffed animal.
-Three small stuffed teddy charms.
-Candy, crackers, nuts, chocolate, and various other snacks.
-A bouncy ball that flashes bright lights
-A plastic fan
-And to top it off, one GIANT stuffed bear which our friends presented to her as they saw us off to the bus station. It's as tall as Juliana and twice as wide. Kevin had go out and hunt down a rice bag to pack it in so we could check it on the way back.
Juliana's new giant bear |
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Feminine Greatness
have a book called Nurse Nancy which Juliana likes to read almost as
much as much as its companion Doctor Dan. It was written in 1952 and
starts out: "Nancy liked to play with dolls. She liked to play Mother. She liked to play Teacher. And best of all, she liked to play Nurse." Of course
there are lots of good reasons to be mothers and teachers and nurses,
but it's an interesting reminder that not so long ago, these were
some of the few acceptable roles for women. One day Juliana picked
up my book about women in leadership and started reading, "Nancy
liked to play with dolls, she liked to play mommy, she liked to play teacher..." And not
being familiar with irony, she didn't know why I was laughing.
recently saw a post about a photographer who was planning a photo shoot for her 5 year-old daughter. While most ideas she found for dressing up your daughters were related to Disney princesses, she decided to do a shoot with her daughter
dressed up as different female role models from history like Susan B.
Anthony, Amelia Earhart, and Helen Keller.
started thinking about how I appreciate all the good female role
models Juliana has as she grows up. Of course it's great if she
wants to be a teacher and mother (I happen to enjoy being both), but
I also want her to realize she's got all kinds of choices. I'm
grateful for her aunts who have stepped into areas that are still not
exactly female-dominated. The one who is a surgeon, the one who
builds houses, the one who is starting at a theological school. I'm
grateful for her extended family of "aunties" who have
earned PhD's, lead in their workplaces, and head off to all kinds of
new countries.
also grateful for the teachers, mothers, and nurses that she'll know
- people who chose these vocations because they love and excel at
what they do. Women who are molding and caring for the current and
future generations. Those who show that being a mother isn't a waste
of intellect or loss of self but rather a chance to be a part of
something greater than yourself. Those who realize that sometimes
teaching someone else can be a lot harder than just doing it
yourself. Those who work long, hard hours with little pay because
they care about the health and well-being of their patients.
excited to teach her more about strong females throughout history as
well as modern-day heroines. Girls fighting for a right to education under oppressive regimes. Women working to lower maternal and infant mortality and stop female genital mutation in Africa. Women who have escaped sex slavery in Asia and are now helping others avoid being entrapped. Women who are themselves impoverished helping others in greater poverty. While in the
West we enjoy many equalities our predecessors strove for, I want
her to remember that girls in much of the world still grow up without
many of the opportunities she enjoys. When I look at the women
around the world standing strong in the face of amazing odds, I have
to wonder at the phrase "the weaker sex."
excited for her to learn about the female biblical heroes as well.
Sarah, who also walked in faith with her husband Abraham and put up
with some real crap along the way (remember the whole "Just say
you're my sister" - twice!!) Deborah who lead the entire nation
of Israel. Jael who spiked the enemy leader with a tent-peg (which
you have to admit is a pretty cool way of taking matters into your
own hands. :) ). Mary, who was entrusted with bearing and raising
the Son of God. I'd say that's pretty impressive. The unnamed woman
at the well who shared the gospel message with her entire town. The
group of women at the tomb who were first to realize and spread the
news that Jesus had risen again. The Bible is full of examples of
strong women who lived by faith and served God in sometimes in rather
unorthodox ways.
glad Juliana has so many options in her future. If her current
interests are any indication she may grow up to be a dancer, a
doctor, a mother, a railway engineer, an architect, whatever you call
a person who demolishes things, a chef, a singer, or most likely a
dictator. I'm not really concerned with her chosen profession (well,
dictatorship aside) – I just look forward to seeing her follow her
awesome role models into the path of womanly greatness.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Cross-Cultural Parenting
in another country can have it's challenges, particularly in a culture where
criticism is a primary form of showing concern.
While we get lots of comments about how pretty Juliana is (fair skin and
blue eyes are a big hit), we also get lots of comments about our bad
parenting. "Your baby is less than
3 months old and is OUTSIDE? Are you
trying to kill her? Quick, go home!" "Only two layers of clothing? Aiya!
Where is her giant quilt? She's
going to catch a cold and die!"
"Is that cold milk she is drinking?
That will kill her for sure!"
With our crazy parenting, it's really amazing Juliana has lasted this
long. :) Now that I am used to it and understand it more, the comments don't usually bother me too much, though we all have
our less-than-awesome parenting days when it would be really nice if someone
would say, "She's wearing the exact right amount of clothes! Good job!"
One of the
great things about parenting in another culture, though, is the
perspective. We freak out about a lot of
parenting things in America and constantly search for The Right Method. But when you realize a billion people are
doing things completely differently, it does make you think.
example, co-sleeping certainly happens in America, probably more often than
people admit, but it's still a taboo issue.
Even setting aside safety concerns, the social aspect is often viewed as
a little "out there." When I
told people Juliana slept in our bed about half the time for the first year,
they tended to look skeptical or scandalized.
"You will never get her out of your bed! How will she ever learn to sleep on her
own? She's way too dependent on
On the
other hand, when Chinese people found out that Juliana started sleeping in her
own bed in a different room at just 1 year old, they were equally skeptical or
scandalized. "What if she needed
you? Wasn't she scared and lonely? How did you ever get her to sleep by
herself? What if she kicked off her
blanket during the night and DIED of cold??" Chinese babies almost always sleep with their
parents, usually until they are a toddler or preschooler. Kevin's teacher still slept with her 5 year old twins (and was understandably a bit jealous of our sleeping arrangements). The concept of making babies independent or
self reliant is completely foreign.
Juliana was still waking up constantly during the night at 6 months and a year
old, I felt like it was unreasonable - why wouldn't she sleep?? Many Americans expect their babies to start
sleeping through the night as early as 3 or 4 months. When I told Chinese friends that Juliana was
still waking up during the night at a year old, they looked like they didn't
understand the problem. "Of course she is!
That's what babies do." The
cultural expectations are completely different.
obvious area of difference is in potty training. We have recently been working on potty
training with Juliana, now 2.5, a pretty average time for an American
child. The average Chinese child,
however, starts potty training closer to 3 months of age. This practice is similar to what we call
Elimination Communication (EC) or infant potty training in the States (although
it's likely you've never heard the term if you don't operate in natural
parenting circles). The parents or
caretakers look for signs that the baby is ready to do his business - squirming
or grimacing, for example - then holds the baby over the toilet, a pot, or
pretty much anywhere outside. The baby
learns to recognize their whistle as a sign that it's time to go. Once babies reach toddlerhood, they squat
down on their own or with some help from parents. Split-pants make for easy potty access.
Chinese parents use diapers at night or occasionally when going out, but it is
still very rare to see a diapered baby.
In fact, diapering your baby is mostly viewed as a sign of laziness.
People have been expressing surprise and disapproval at Juliana's diapers since
she before she was a year old.
When I
first moved to China, split pants instead of diapers seemed backward. We in the US are certainly more advanced than
that! I still have some issues with it,
like seeing a bare baby bottom sitting atop the table where you are about to
eat is a little disconcerting, and I do wish people would move their baby
directly out of the doorway before having them pee. But as time has gone on, and especially as we
have begun the potty training process ourselves, I have started to think the
Chinese (and really the majority of the world) have something here. No doubt they look at American toddlers still
in diapers at 3 years and think, "Man, we are certainly more advanced than
Not to say
that I judge parents whose toddlers are still in diapers at 3 or after. I truly don't. I really do think a lot of kids aren't ready
until then. But I think the biggest
reason is our whole system isn't designed to prepare kids for potty training
early. Many American doctors say that
children don't physically have any kind of control until at least 18 months,
which seems ridiculous when I look at 6 month old Chinese babies who obviously
do have a measure of control. I think it
has more to do with our cultural ideas of what potty training means and when it
is done. I have read that the US
actually potty-trains later than anywhere else in the world, and that potty
training has become a lot later since the use of disposable diapers.
I'm not
saying we should all ditch diapers - that's obviously not going to happen for
many reasons. One big reason is that
diapers are convenient. It's difficult
to pay attention to your baby's potty cues all the time, and it requires a lot
of individual attention. We did a little
EC with Juliana starting at 5 months, but only a very part-time. She would use the potty when she woke up,
after nap, or sometimes at diaper changes, but we never did much more than
that. I'd like to do a little more with
the next baby, but we'll see. I will be
even more busy with a preschooler running around too, but we will be using
cloth diapers next time, so there will
be a little extra motivation of saving on diaper laundry.
babies have gotten a good deal of press lately though from the New York Times,
Slate, and NPR - articles that discuss a growing (though still very small)
minority that use EC. I think if
Americans are still squeamish about breastfeeding in public, we aren't likely
going to be ready for bare-bottomed babies.
And I'd rather we work on getting over our Victorian-era breastfeeding
issues first. Whether negative or
positive, the general attitude of the articles seems to be, "hey, listen
to this crazy thing people are doing now!"
Which is kind of funny to me since everytime I step outside I see
diaperless babies.
I think
that's what I like about cross-cultural parenting. You realize that a lot of ideas that seem
crazy or radical in America are just the norm elsewhere. It doesn't mean that everyone else is right
and we are wrong (I do get a little tired of hearing about the French and their
perfect parenting methods...), and it doesn't mean that we are advanced and
everyone else is backward (I get really
tired of hearing that attitude!) it just means that just maybe there
are a lot of different "normal" ways to parent.
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