Monday, August 30, 2010

Still Here

By Ruth
All the other teachers have returned to China.  Our teammates are back in Weinan, our students are starting back to classes, and it's already almost September!  It's a bit strange to know I'll still be in America for another two months!  We're not used to being around when the summer is ending.  I know it doesn't officially end yet, but I am seeing the first signs that fall is approaching.  School buses are back in route.  The weather has actually been almost cool (meaning not unbearably hot) these past days.  And I have seen two flocks of Canadian geese.  Neither of them were in a hurry to get anywhere.  One flock was leisurely strolling single-file across a parking lot.  So I haven't yet heard the pleasant honking sounds as they fly overhead, something I have really missed in past years, but all of this is a sign of things to come.  By the end of October, when I finally do return to China, fall really will be here!  If I'm awake enough to notice.

I have gotten several sweet/funny emails from students expressing their excitement about the coming baby and wondering when we'll be coming back.  I told one student about how we had received so many baby gifts, and she responded with, "I'm so excited that your baby has become wealthy!"  I can't email students too often though, because they continually remind me that using the computer is bad when you are pregnant.  I don't want to worry them needlessly.

In other news...yeah, there really isn't any other news.  But we'll keep you posted...


  1. Missed seeing you guys in Beijing! Will you be at conference this year?

  2. We missed seeing everyone in Beijing too. We'll be back in Weinan in October and plan to be at conference
